Research interests: Number Theory
Institution: University College London
Website: None
I’m interested in Number Theory, primarily in elliptic curves. Before coming to LSGNT, I did my undergraduate and part III at Cambridge. Outside of maths, I like baking and sport, particularly running, cycling and rowing. I’m also involved in organising camps and marking papers for UKMT.
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: University College London
I am mostly interested in algebraic and birational geometry, not only over the complex numbers. This year I will focus on learning more about the minimal model program and some applications of birational geometry in the theory of derived categories. For my master I was part of the ALGANT (Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory) program and I studied in Padua (Italy) and Montreal (Canada), my master thesis was about orbifold rational points on varieties, in particular I studied how it's possible to construct a fibration with orbifold base of general type (conjecturally mordellic) and special fibers (conjecturally potentially dense). Outside of mathematics, I love singing, going to see musicals/ operas and going out in the snow.
Research interests: Number Theory
Institution: University College London
Website: None
I am interested in algebraic number theory. I did my bachelor’s degree at Durham where my thesis was about solutions to the Markoff equation in the p-adics, and my master’s degree at Imperial where my thesis was about the Herbrand-Ribet theorem and studying Kolyvagin’s method. This year I’ll be looking at consequences of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and mod p modular forms. With the LSGNT, I hope to get more involved in mathematical outreach. Outside of maths some of my favourite things are discovering new food, music and fashion, perfecting my recipes and charity shopping.
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: University College London
Website: None
I am mostly interested in algebraic geometry, in particular mirror symmetry and enumerative geometry. My master's thesis was on the SYZ conjecture with Mark Gross, where I did Part III and undergraduate at Cambridge. I am currently interested in learning more about mirrors to Fano varieties and anything fun in general! Outside of being confused, I enjoy going on walks and exploring the countryside with my girlfriend, playing chess and spending time with my dog.
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: King's College London
Website: None
I am interested in symplectic geometry and the A-side of homological mirror symmetry. Before starting my PhD, I completed my Master's degree at King's and my Bachelor's in Turin, Italy. Outside of maths you will find me strolling through Shoreditch, bickering with my flatmates, and calling the cat ridiculous names
Research interests: Number Theory
Institution: University College London
I'm interested in algebra and number theory and recently I've been learning about the p-adic geometry of Shimura varieties and topics related to Langlands reciprocity. Before coming to the LSGNT, I completed my master's at the University of Bonn where in my thesis I studied the geometry of the de Rham affine Grassmannian under the supervision of David Hansen. In my free time, I enjoy bouldering.
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: University College London
Website: None
I have interests generally in Algebraic Geometry and specifically in Derived Categories of Coherent Sheaves on a Scheme. I am currently studying different structures on these categories, their decompositions and resolutions, with a particular focus on concrete low-dimensional examples. Outside of studying I enjoy reading about philosophy and evolutionary biology. I like many watersports from whitewater kayaking to windsurfing and sailing, but on a more regular basis I relax by spending time among animals and nature, most often feeding waterbirds at a lake or stream.
Research interests: Number Theory
Institution: University College London
Website: None
I am interested in Algebraic Number Theory - in particular the arithmetic of elliptic curves and higher dimensional analogues. Before the beginning of my PhD, I studied at UCL, then moved to Oxford for my Master's degree, where my thesis was about Neukirch's axiomatic class field theory approach and Kronecker's Jugendtraum. In my free time, I practise the piano, catch up with numerous TV shows (reality shows mainly), and I also enjoy long walks/hikes.
Research interests: Both
Institution: University College London
Website: None
Now I'm mainly interested in algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry. My research area now is Iwasawa theory. In this year I will focus on non-commutative Iwasawa theory. I get my bachelor degree from Wuhan University with a thesis about Iwasawa class number formula, and then have one year as a visiting student in Morningside Center of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Besides mathematics, I also love badminton, basketball, and movie.
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: University College London
I am a PhD student in Geometric Analysis at UCL, aligned with the LSGNT. My research is focused on singular minimal hyper surfaces, specifically those produced by min-max methods. Broadly my mathematical interests are in the areas of geometric measure theory, PDEs and differential geometry. Before LSGNT I completed my undergraduate and masters studies at The University of Warwick.
I’m interested in the birational geometry of algebraic varieties. Before coming to London I did my undergraduate and partly graduate studies at the University of Oslo, and the part III program in Cambridge. In my master’s thesis I focused on rationality questions and how degeneration techniques can help to answer these. At the moment I’m interested in how other areas of geometry interact with birational geometry, for example tropical and non-archimedean geometry. Besides maths, I enjoy cooking and playing sports.
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: Imperial College London
Website: None
I’m mainly interested in low-dimensional topology. I did my undergraduate degree at the University of Glasgow, where I did one dissertation on contact geometry and open book decompositions, and another on Teichmueller flow in the moduli space of flat surfaces. This year, though, I’m hoping to learn more about lots of areas of pure maths and I aspire to eventually spend entire minutes at a time having a clue what’s going on. In my free time I enjoy cryptic crosswords, reading, playing the piano and violin, and talking about life.
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: University College London
Website: None
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: University College London
I am interested in geometry and topology, with a computational flavour. Before joining the LSGNT, I obtained my MMath from the University of Warwick, where I did my master's thesis in algebraic topology. I also spent a summer doing an internship in Bremen with the DAAD, where I performed computations with dynamical systems. Currently I am looking at mirrors of Fano varieties using tools from data analysis and machine learning, and my supervisors are Tom Coates and Alexander Kasprzyk. Outside of maths, I love cooking and am passionate about environmental issues.
Research interests: Both
Institution: University College London
Website: None
I am interested in the spectral theory of discrete geometric structures (graphs and their higher-order analogs) and its applications to dynamics and learning models. Previously, I worked on K3 surfaces in the field of algebraic geometry. I enjoy cooking, playing tennis, and wandering around the centre of London.
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: University College London
Website: None
My primary interests lie in the area of algebraic geometry, mainly but by no means exclusively in birational geometry. Aside from this, I am enthusiastic about almost any geometry related topic and am particularly interested in the fruitful interplay of disciplines, such as differential/complex geometry and algebraic geometry. I did my Master’s degree under the supervision of Prof. Jérémy Blanc in Basel, Switzerland, it was centered around the topic of Del Pezzo surfaces. Outside of math I am a passionate cyclist and cross-country skier but also like vegan cooking and enjoy debates/discussions on politics.
Research interests: Number Theory
Institution: University College London
Website: None
I am a PhD Student at UCL studying Analytic Number Theory. I am also aligned with the LSGNT. I am currently focusing on the Spectral Theory of Automorphic Forms, but my interests are still rather broad. I did my Undergrad and Part III at the University of Cambridge (Queens' College), specializing on Number Theory and (partially) Logic. In my Part III essay I explored recent developments on Large Gaps Between Primes. Outside of maths, I spend most of my time reading books, listening to music and cooking. I am also interested in teaching.
Research interests: Both
Institution: University College London
My interests lie mainly in the area of arithmetic geometry, especially the many flavors of non-Archimedean geometry. I have completed my MSc in Oxford with a dissertation on Berkovich spaces and am currently interested in the theory of perfectoid spaces. Mathematics aside, in Oxford I used to be a member of a rowing team, a sport which I am hoping to get back into once it is again possible.
Research interests: Geometry
Institution: University College London
I am interested in geometric analysis, calculus of variations and geometric measure theory. My current research is focused on constant mean curvature and minimal hypersurfaces. Specifically, I am interested in variational properties of these hypersurfaces and how they arise.
Research interests: Both
Institution: University College London
Website: None
I am interested in representation theory that is related to geometry or number theory. To be more specific, I would like to study geometric representation theory (which realizes representations of algebraic objects in relevant geometric constructions) and representations over non-archimedean fields (e.g. of p-adic groups). Thanks to a pool of academic staff with diverse research interests, I can pursue this in both directions during my first year at the LSGNT.