An EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Geometry and Number Theory


London School of Geometry & Number Theory

Women in Geometry and Number Theory

The London School of Geometry and Number Theory will promote equality and fairness and foster a supportive and collaborative environment for all of its students.

One of our particular aims is to recruit a critical mass of women students and to help counteract the under-representation of women in UK mathematics. We therefore strongly encourage interested undergraduate women mathematicians to apply to the LSGNT and hope to receive a great number of applications from women.

Women In Number Theory and Geometry (W.I.N.G.s)

WINGs is an annual retreat for women, and other underrepresented genders, in number theory and geometry created and organised by LSGNT students. It is aimed at early career mathematicians, from PhD onwards. Events include social activities to encourage interaction between participants and short talks, so that participants can learn about each other’s research interests. Our aim is to counteract the isolation that can be experienced by female mathematicians during their career by fostering a sense of community from the start. There have been three iterations of this retreat starting online in 2021 (during COVID lockdown) and moving to in person for 2022 at West Lexham, Norfolk and 2023 at Ringwood Hall, Chesterfield.

Additional Information

All three departments are supporters of the LMS Good Practice Scheme and together with their respective Institutions are engaged in the Athena Swan project.

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